
Products ( Metadata Cloud Compiler )

We have established our business as one of the leading developers of metadata compiler technology. We continue to push the boundaries of technology by developing exciting and innovative applications for global companies using our own technology.

Below is a list of metadata driven applications:

Metadata Cloud Compiler Applications

  • HTML5/WebSockets Compiler

    This is a commercial grade B2B product for generating code for the new HTML5/WebSockets JSR356 specification. This product demonstrates the power of our compiler technology in generating complex programming solutions.

    This product complies with the new WebSocket API specification JSR356, which documents everything you need to create - low latency, bi-directional communication requests to the latest HTML5 web server implementations.
    YouTube Videos:
    Microservices WebSockets/Docker Videos.

  • JAXRS-2 REST Micro Services Compiler
    We have used this toolkit to build systems with hundreds of web services. Java, Node.js and Salesforce/APEX languages are supported for client and server. All languages support client and server mocking. Installing Intellij plugin is the only setup, and go.
    YouTube Videos:
    Microservices Rest/Docker Videos.

  • Mongo/JDO
    This is a coarse grained business object mapping for MongoDB which is JDO 1.1 compliant implementation. This technology was ported to MongoDB from ObjectRiver's original Master Data Management product.

  • Oracle Business Object Finder
    This product reads in Oracle table metadata streamed directly from your Oracle database and uses heuristics to determine business object hierarchies. This product can be used with our Mongo/JDO product

  • Oracle PL/SQL Call Tree Compiler
    This product reads in PL/SQL code streamed directly from your Oracle and generates a website documenting your PL/SQL call tree. This output can be used as documentation for maintaining existing large scale PL/SQL projects.

  • WebSockets JDBC ResultSet microservices object
    We have built an object representation of the JDBC ResultSet. The JDBC ResultSet can be returned from a WebSocket microservice as a result argument. The system streams the ResultSet and the Java client can handle access to the streaming ResultSet with standard calls to the JDBC ResultSet interface. We have also built a prototype of an ETL cloud service, where a WebSocket client/server is deployed into windows services. This will blow your mind because after deploying the windows service you can query the database from the cloud!

  • WSDL compiler for SOAP requests
    The WSDL language can be used when WSDL compiler cannot handle the complexity of the WSDL.
